Valor Academy
Glorifying God through education.
Who We Are
Our Mission:
Glorifying God by making disciples of all nations through a Christ-centered education.

Our Vision:
Reaching children & families with the truth of the gospel.
Laying a foundation for success spiritually, emotionally, relationally, and intellectually.
Connecting children & families with the local church.

Why Valor?
Because education is a battle for eternity. We believe that even preschool education is not merely temporal, but has eternal gospel & worldview implications for generations to come.

Facts & Figures
Access to Licensed Care
Only 32% of children under the age of 5 have access to licensed childcare in Rabun County. We seek to be an answer to this need by providing early childhood education to no less than 100 children each year.
The #1 prevention of children entering the foster system is safe, consistent, accountable childcare. Valor seeks to offer this through unsurpassed care.
Help Valor meet real need.
At Valor Academy, it is our passion to reach children
and families with the light of the gospel,
laying a foundation for success spiritually, emotionally,
relationally, and intellectually,
and connecting children and families with the local church.
Your generosity empowers us to pursue this passion to the glory of God!